Monthly Archives: April 2010

Voy a Ir a la ESPAÑA – Finale

San Augustin, the Spanish High school my host attends, is quite similar to KIS. Each students decide their own schedule and has a dilation fields of courses offered from the school. Since Hugo, my amazing host, wanted to be a CEO in the future; he took philosophy, economy, math, Spanish, English, Art History, and History. I took some classes with him, but usually hung out in the computer room with the other KISians in San Augustin. Moreover, we sent E-mails to our parents, uploaded photos in Facebook and socialized in English, which was not easy to do with my host. During English class, the teacher asked Michell Lim and I to make a presentation regarding Korea for the student during one of the classes. This sounded pretty fun and interesting, but speaking in Spanish was the challenge. Therefore, after I arrived home I printed out pics of SNSD, Kimchi, Seoul and interesting aspects of Korea with Hugo and practiced what to say. Eventually, I had to give a total of 4 presentations to other classes (I finally learned how hard and exhausting teaching is!). Other than school, we (KISians and hosts) shopped, toured, and played a lot together, so we reconciled a lot in Spain. Some memorable events were the tense soccer game in the night and the last day in school. All the KISians left Valladolid during the school time, so our eyes were filled with tears when we left our families, brothers, and sisters. Before I went to Spain, I had thought that the trip will be scary and intimidating, but I was totally wrong. All the people in Spain are very affable and caring, so it felt really comfortable, so this trip was a great success. THANKS TO- Hugo, Alberto, Rocio, Carlos, Alberto, Mario, Ruben aka Bob, Manuel, Victor, Oriol, Elena!!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!! 🙂

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An immense aspect in traveling in different places is taking photos. Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to have a post like a photo gallery of pictures that reflects Spain. There are going to be more interesting pictures posted in the next post, which will wrap up my Spain story.

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Voy a Ir a la ESPAÑA – Valladolid

Every single one of us were anxious and excited about our home stays. Many of us already have contacted our hosts before coming to Spain, but it was still exhilarating to think about meeting Spanish kids our age and living with them for 5 days. As we got on the morning bus leaving Madrid and arriving at Valladolid, we all couldn’t hide our nervous feelings. The ride was only 2 hours, but it felt like 20, so many of us were trying to sleep and tried to calm our selves down. When we finally arrived to Valladolid, the all the hosts were waiting out side to transport us to their homes. All of us were now super-duper nervous, so it was even hard to get out of the bus. When we finally took hard steps out of the bus, our hearts were about to burst and penetrate our skin out. All the host families were gathering around us. I could clearly locate my host since we sent pictures to each other before the arrival. Furthermore, all of us said “good luck” to each other and took steps to our own way. The first day was more of a get-to-know-each other day. Hugo, my amazing home stay host, took me to a castle close to Valladolid and bought bread for snacks. Due to the jet lag, I was feeling tired as the journey went on, so I took a nap when I arrived to his house. There are four members in Hugo’s family: Carlos and Rocio, his parents and Alberto, his 15 year old brother, by the way Hugo is a 17 year old senior student. Monday, I will be going to Hugo’s colegio, and there is a funny episode on “colegio”. When Hugo talked about school, he kept on mentioning “colegio”, which I thought it meant college. Therefore, I kind of freaked out on the fact that I will be visiting a Spanish college. However eventually I learned that, “colegio” meant school and college is “universidad.” Now, I went to sleep; thinking of the left days in Spain…

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